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Overview of Objectives, Plans, and Evaluations in Japan

The incorporation of Japanese national universities in 2004 granted these institutions greater autonomy in running their organizations in line with their own basic principles of education and research and long-term visions. As recipients of state subsidies, national university corporations are required to formulate mid-term objectives and plans.

Through the formulation and implementation of the mid-term objectives and plans, national university corporations aim to provide a common vision for their students, faculty and staff, improve the quality of education and research through periodic self-assessments and evaluations, ensure rational and effective resource allocation proportional to the implementation of their plans as well as achieve systematic and strategic university management.

National University Corporation Evaluation

The National University Corporation Evaluation Committee verifies and evaluates the achievement of the goals set out in the mid-term objectives and plans of national university corporations, except for goals related to education and research, at the end of every six-year mid-term objectives period. The Committee appoints the National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education (NIAD-QE) to perform the evaluation of education and research on its behalf and respects its conclusions. The Committee also verifies and evaluates the achievement of the goals set out in the annual plans based on the Performance Report submitted by each corporation.

The results of the National University Corporation Evaluation are factored into the calculations of the Management Expenses Grant, which is an annual government subsidy for national university corporations.


Mid-Term Objectives and Plans

Certified Evaluation and Accreditation

The School Education Act obligates all national, municipal/prefectural, and private universities to undergo periodic certified evaluation and accreditation conducted by organizations certified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology with the purpose of assuring the quality of university education and research. The evaluation is performed based on the evaluation standards established by the certified evaluator and covers all activities and operations of the targeted institutions, including education and research, organizational operations, and facility management.

There are two types of certified evaluation and accreditation: Institutional Certified Evaluation and Accreditation, a scheme in which the entire institution is evaluated (evaluation intervals not to exceed seven years), and Certified Evaluation and Accreditation for Professional Graduate Schools, a review process specifically targeting professional graduate schools (evaluation intervals not to exceed five years).

Self-Assessment by Kyushu University

At Kyushu University we believe the important feature in setting the future direction of our institution is the establishment of a cycle of improvement that includes the development of reform policies and initiatives designed to improve university management based on self-assessment findings.

Kyushu University strives to continuously improve its university management by (a) ensuring that its self-assessment schedule conforms to the cycle of improvement, (b) conducting a self-assessment in the middle of a fiscal year, and (c) reflecting the assessment results in devising the following year’s goals and plans.


Academic Staff Evaluation at Kyushu University

“Academic Staff Evaluation” is a unique evaluation program of Kyushu University that requires members of the academic staff to monitor and evaluate their own education and research activities for improvement. The program also allows deans and directors to understand the education and research activities of their staff and to use the evaluation results for planning future projects and policies as well as various initiatives such as academic staff support programs. By providing an opportunity for each academic staff member to self-evaluate their entire range of activities, the program aims to invigorate both the academic staff and the faculties and institutes, thereby strengthening the overall performance of the university.

The university’s faculties and institutes are expected to carry out evaluations in accordance with the Basic Evaluation Policy for Academic Staff Evaluation taking into account the characteristics of their organization.

Implementing Academic Staff Evaluation at Kyushu University (Basic Policies)

Credit Rating

Quality Assurance System in Higher Education (National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation)

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