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12. University Hospital


  1. The employment category "Other Full-Time Teaching Staff": teaching staff who do not hold a license to practice medicine or dentistry in Japan.
  2. Includes all staff, regardless of whether they are affiliated to an undergraduate school or the University Hospital, and of whether they are in a tenured position or fixed-term position.
  3. Excludes Kyushu University Beppu Hospital.
  4. This figure obtained by converting part-time employee numbers into the equivalent number of full-time employees. Formula converting to "Full-time Equivalent": "Full-time Equivalent" = "hours worked by part-time workers per week" / "hours worked by full-time workers per week (as defined in the employment regulations of their own national university hospital)".
  5. "Bed Utilization Rates" = "total patients admitted" / "total available beds" * 100. Bed Utilization Rate is an indicator that shows how efficiently university hospital beds are being run. Figures closer to 100% indicate that there are no unused beds, which means that the available beds are in use. This is utilized as an indicator to show the quality of university hospital management.
  6. Compared only to the University Hospital (excludes centers and research institutes attached to the hospital).
  7. Compared only to the University Hospital (not including centers and the hospital attached to research institutes). Compared among "Group A: 13 universities" in Financial Analysis Classification of National University Corporations by National University Corporation Evaluation Committee. "Group A": National University Corporations with an enrollment capacity over 10,000 students, with 10 or more schools. (Only student enrollment capacity is considered for universities employing academic schools, colleges, and similar).
  8. Average Length of Hospital Stay refers to the average number of days that patients spend in hospital. It is generally measured by dividing the total number of days stayed by all inpatients during a year by the number of admissions or discharges. The number of days varies according to different symptoms of different patients. Please note that Average Length of Hospital Stay cannot be simply compared.


  • Data for this study is provided by the Database Center of the National University Hospitals, University of Tokyo Hospital. Use of the data was approved by the Database Center Management Committee, National University Hospital Council of Japan (No. 173-20231020).

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