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2. Number of Faculty and Staff Members - Ⅲ. Staff


  1. Figures up to 2011 include those on administrative leave. Figures for 2012 onward exclude those on administrative or child care leave, but include reemployed staff and staff hired to substitute for those on administrative leave, etc. Medical staff started to be counted separately from 2012, so no values were available before 2012. Figures for 2019 onward list university facilities, etc. and university facility primary roles.
  2. "Highly Qualified Specialists": Unlike academic staff and administrative staff, highly qualified specialists have great expertise in management administration related to education and research. This group of specialists can therefore directly handle management and administration in this field.
  3. About our schools and organizations:

    • School of Science: including Amakusa Marine Biological Laboratory
    • School of Engineering: including the technical division. Some "other technical staff" of Administrative Office (School of Engineering) were listed under Graduate School of Engineering, and Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering up to 2017. For 2018 were listed under Administrative Office (School of Engineering), and figures for 2019 onward are listed under School of Engineering.
    • School of Agriculture: including University Farm and University Forests
    • Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies: including Center for Clinical Psychology and Human Development
    • Graduate School of Engineering, and Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering: Some "other technical staff" were listed under Administrative Office (School of Engineering) for 2018, and figures for 2019 onward are listed under School of Engineering.
    • Faculty of Arts and Science: established in October 2011
    • Medical Institute of Bioregulation: including Medical Research Center for High Depth Omics, etc.
    • Research Institute for Applied Mechanics: including Center for Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, etc.
    • International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research: including Research Center for Next Generation Refrigerant Properties, etc. and Administrative Support Division.
    • University Hospital: including Beppu Hospital
    • University Library: including Manuscript Library and Innovation Center for Educational Resource
    • Platform of Inter-/Transdisciplinary Energy Research: including Administrative Support Division. Established in October 2016
    • International Institute for Carbon‐Neutral Energy Research (I2CNER), and Platform of Inter‐/Transdisciplinary Energy Research (Q‐PIT): figures for 2021 onward are listed under I2CNER・Q‐PIT Office of Research Support Services (IQ‐ORSS)
    • Environmental Control Center for Experimental Biology: renamed from Biotron Application Center in April 2021
    • Central Institute of Radioisotope Science and Safety Management: renamed from Isotope Sciences Center in April 2015
    • Global Innovation Center: renamed from Art, Science and Technology Center for Cooperative Research in October 2016
    • Campus Planning Office: renamed from New Campus Planning Office in April 2016
    • Center for Health and Counseling: established in April 2013
    • Campus Planning Office: renamed from New Campus Planning Office in April 2016
    • Research Institute of Advanced Electric Propulsion Aircrafts: established in April 2020
    • Integrated Legal Office: reorganized from International Legal Office in April 2019
    • Ito Clinic: established in January 2019
    • I²CNER・Q-PIT Office of Research Support Services (IQ‐ORSS): established in July 2020
    • Executive Office of the President: established in October 2020
    • Acceptance Inspection Center: established in April 2021. Figures until 2020 are listed under Administration Bureau
    • Administrative Office (School of Engineering): Some "other technical staff" were listed under Graduate School of Engineering, and Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering from 2014 to 2017. For 2018 were listed under Administrative Office (School of Engineering), and figures for 2019 onward are listed under School of Engineering.


  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Basic School Survey, each year
  • Kyushu University, Kyushu University Information, each year

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