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7. Career Paths and Employment Status - Ⅰ. Undergraduate


  1. About Kyushu University: the status “In employment” includes employment at a company or as a teacher, civil servant, medical resident, or other employment. The status “Other” includes those preparing for national exams and those not yet in employment, etc.
  2. About national universities: the status “Clinical residents” include incoming students. The status “Other” includes those who entered educational institutions such as specialized training colleges or schools overseas, and those missing and deceased.
  3. About our schools:

    • School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation: established in April 2018
    • The 21st Century Program: closed to new admission from FY2018


  • Kyushu University, Kyushu University Information, each year
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Basic School Survey, each year

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