color-enhancerAccessibility Options / Last Updated: Feb. 21, 2025

Example (3)

I want to know how many international students are accepted at Kyushu University







Information you can get

  • International students application rate and number of international students by school
  • Number of Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship students at Kyushu University


To check the number of international students application rate per department:

1. Through the following link, click the “4. Admissions- I. Undergraduate” of the Interactive FactBook.

2. On the graph navigator of the opened page, click on the “Undergraduate Admissions by School and Gender”.

3. On “Selection (4)” located on the left side, click on the “International Students selection (April)".

The displayed images correspond to the International Student selection (April).

4. Move the mouse over the department you want to check (for example: School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation)

You can see the information of that department (Number of applicants per year and applicants rate).

If you want to find the number of international students at other department:

5. Go back to the table of contents of the Interactive FactBook and click on “10. International - Ⅲ. Acceptance of Inbound International Students”.

6. On the graph navigator of the opened page, click on the “International Student Admissions by School and Program”.

7. On the upper side of the “Number of International Students by School” graph, move the mouse over the department you want to check (for example: School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation).

If you want to find the number of Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship students at Kyushu University:
8. On the graph navigator, click the “International Student Admissions”.

9. On the “Number of International Students: Kyushu University” graph located on the upper left, move the mouse over the blue part.

→ The number of government-sponsored international students per year will be displayed.

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