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Example (7)

I want to learn more about Kyushu University



Information you can get

  • Various types of data related to Kyushu University

I want to compare the number of students of different departments.

Example: if you only want to know the number of graduate students in the Graduate School of Engineering and the Graduate School of Science:

1. Through the following link, click the “3. Number of Students- II. Graduate” of the Interactive FactBook:

2. On the graph navigator of the opened page, click on the “Number of Graduate Students by School and Gender”.

3. On the “Program” filter located at the left side of the graph, select “Doctoral Programs”.

4. On the “School” filter select “Graduate School of Science” and “Graduate School of Engineering".

5. By using the filter, the results are limited to the “Graduate School of Science” and the “Graduate School of Engineering". The number of students of each department is showed on the graph.

→ You can see that the “Graduate School of Engineering (red)” has more students than the “Graduate School of Science (yellow)”.

6. Move the mouse over to see the details of each department.

I want to know how the income of the university has changed compared to 10 years ago.

Example: If you want to know the areas in which the income has changed the most.

1. From the contents list of the Kyushu University FactBook, click on “13. Finance - Ⅰ. Budgeted Income and Expenditure”:

2. On the graph navigator of the opened page, click on “Income and Expenditure: Breakdown”.

3. On the “Year” filter located at the right side, select “2013” and "2022".

→ The graph only shows the information of two years, 2013 and 2022.

4. The light blue part of the graph (University Hospital income) is the area which has experience the most significant change.

→Move the mouse over to see the details of each year .

The University Hospital’s income has increased from 35,015 million yen in 2013 to 48,705 million yen in 2022, an increase equal to 1.4 times.

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