7. Career Paths and Employment Status - Ⅱ. Graduate
- About Kyushu University: "Master's programs" include professional degree programs. "Doctoral programs" include “withdrawal with completion of course requirements”. The status “In employment” includes employment at a company or as a teacher or civil servant, or other employment. The status “Other” includes those preparing for national exams and those not yet in employment, etc.
- About national universities: the status “Clinical residents” include incoming students. The status “Other” includes those who entered educational institutions such as specialized training colleges or schools overseas, and those missing and deceased.
- About our schools:
- Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies: reorganized into the Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society in April 2014
- Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society: reorganized from the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies in April 2014
- Joint Graduate School of Mathematics for Innovation: established in April 2022
- Kyushu University, Kyushu University Information, each year
- Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Basic School Survey, each year